“Healthy” Foods May Be Hurting Your Self Confidence

Food traditionally deemed “healthy” may be hurting your self esteem—especially when a lot of people think “healthy” is anything that tastes bland or ruins the appetite. If you’re a health buff, go on eating healthy as I’m doing. But make it balanced. And by “balanced” I mean eat delicious foods, too, not just those that suck. Photo by SwapnIl Dwivedi on Unsplash.

You know why skipping on delectable foods demolishes self confidence? Just imagine forgoing a serving of thick, creamy leche flan just because you’re afraid of getting fat. Imagine the frustration. Yeah of course, you manage to pretend it doesn’t affect you one bit (and you brag about it to your friends), but deep in the subconscious it does—and by the way, it’s where most of the damage happens. When you feel deprived, it’s something else.

But if you have really mastered disciplining yourself about leche flans and other desserts, then by all means, skip them. It will do wonders to your confidence to be able to kick the craving off while others cannot. But what I’m talking about here are the pretenders—they pretend they can skip their favorite desserts but deep inside they hurt a lot. The pretention demolishes their self confidence without knowing it.

Anything unreal (and you hide in it) destroys self confidence. Remember that. Honesty is always the best policy.

You should know what yummy foods do to your moods. If you forfeit yourself of delicious foods and limit yourself to “guilt-free” foods that taste like sand (yup, when I was a kid I tasted what sand was like), you’re depriving yourself of so much self-fulfilling pleasure, setting your self confidence up for dire setbacks.

The thing is to eat balanced—eat right proportions of everything—healthy and unhealthy, delicious and bland. Don’t skip on delicious foods (and neither should you on dull foods). A lot of delicious foods give you neurochemicals (also called neuromodulators or neurotransmitters) which promote feelings of well-being, happiness and self esteem, say experts. Natural brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine are feel-good or “happy” chemicals that are stimulated when we eat our favorite delicious foods and drinks.

Like plump bananas, gelatin, ube jalaya, leche flan and halo-halo. I love these desserts. Each time I eat them I feel elated, like everything good is happening to me as I eat them. And I’m in good spirits to converse with people and discuss things with them with all gusto. It’s like I’m on top of the world and able to tackle any challenge.

Experts say, this is serotonin and dopamine in full action in my mind, overwhelming my negative emotions. When you’re depressed or frustrated, try some extra creamy vanilla ice cream or DQ’s Royal Strawberry Supreme. It works for me. Or Robina roasted chicken and pancit. Just enough to boost your morale.

Or, being a health buff, I enjoy a tall, cold glass of my favorite apple cider vinegar with raw honey. Or pure and fresh, ice cold dalandan juice. I also love banana shakes with some drips of coconut milk. You should try it. Once in a while I relax with my cold wheatgrass with honey drink. These things perk up me up and helps my self confidence, especially when I do videos.

Or eating fresh mangosteen. Nothing compares with that, not even your best version of crispy pata. Try offering me crispy pata or mangosteen and I’d always go for mangosteen—after I finish the crispy pata.

But there are folks who enjoy bland foods like we enjoy our favorite “unhealthy” desserts. To them raw carrots are how Burger King tastes to us. It’s okay if you’re like that. Be my guest. If it builds your confidence then good for you. I love raw carrots and they’re healthy, but eating nothing but raw carrots for a meal is not my idea of enjoyment. I might have a panic attack.

Enjoy life. Try things. But don’t overdo. Keep a balance. As a rule I try a spoon or two of unhealthy but delicious foods now and then (don’t ask me how big my spoon is).

I got my facts here. click this link.

Get your FREE copy of 10 delicious foods that boost your self confidence plus a FREE copy of my e-book on how to re-gain your self-worth after a bout of dire frustrations. Simply fill up the form below.

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CS Gaerlan

CS Gaerlan. Blogger from Manila. Filipino martial arts instructor, mentor and counselor since 1997. I can help you with self-improvement and stress management.

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